A couple of weeks ago I wrote about ten unrealistic expectations that some people have about federated search. A few days ago The Krafty Librarian published a blog article expressing frustrations over PubMed having been down for a number of hours with no notification from PubMed. In my book, this makes for unrealistic expectation number 11:
11. If a source ever goes down, the content owner should immediately and widely broadcast this information.
I consider this to be an unrealistic expectation for the simple reason that this expectation is hardly ever met. When I was very actively engaged in supporting applications for Deep Web Technologies in only VERY rare situations did a content provider let us know that their search interface was down. I believe that expecting a source provider to tell you that their source is down is like asking drivers on the highway to never cut you off. Itâs not going to happen and youâre going to suffer a lot expecting people to be different than they are.
In the case of content providers there may be some explanations (not that I condone any) for not notifying the user community of problems:
- The support team might have believed that the problem was going to be quick to fix and they didnât want to broadcast a problem if that was indeed the case.
- The PubMed management may not have wanted to embarrass themselves by publicly acknowledging the problem.
- It may have been an oversight on PubMedâs part.
The blog post about the PubMed problem does raise an interesting and very valid concern: it can be difficult to determine the source of a problem when a federated search of a source consistently returns no results. The problem has to do with the introduction of programmatic search interfaces. A programmatic interface is provided by the owner of a particular search engine and allows a federated search application to search the source much more efficiently than by using the web form that a human would use. In the old days (5 years ago) there were many fewer programmatic interfaces to search engines. Federated search applications would perform “screen scraping” against virtually all sources and when a source is screen scraped diagnosing the source of problem is usually straightforward. Todayâs federated search applications ideally use a programmatic interface when available to lessen the burden on the sourceâs search engine and to simplify their own work in searching and retrieving results from the source. The content access basics articles on screen scraping and on XML provide some background on how federated search applications interface with sources to perform searches and retrieve documents. Weâll see, in a few paragraphs, how the existence of programmatic search interfaces complicates the matter of debugging federated search source access problems.
Letâs consider different failure scenarios. For all scenarios we assume that the federated search application is consistently returning no results from PubMed for several queries that would normally return results and that the problem isnât a blatantly obvious problem with the federated search application or with the libraryâs local network. We eliminate the possibility of the problem of falsely blaming PubMed by verifying that the federated search application can get results from other sources.
Hereâs one scenario: We canât get to pubmed.gov to even attempt a search. Checking the source directly when federated search returns no results from the source is the first diagnostic step. If one canât even get to pubmed.gov then Iâd suspect a major problem, likely on their end, although it could be some kind of DNS or network problem somewhere between the federated search application and PubMed. Note that the fact that federated searches of other sources return results doesnât eliminate the possibility of a network outage somewhere between you and PubMedâs network.
Letâs consider a second scenario: the search page at pubmed.gov is available but searches from the search form at pubmed.gov yield no results. Does this failure convince us that the federated search application canât get any results from PubMed because of a problem on PubMedâs end? Thereâs a good chance that this is indeed the case but not necessarily. Hereâs why. PubMed provides a programmatic interface. Depending on the source of a problem either or both of the programmatic interface and human-searched interfaces might be unavailable. Itâs possible, although not highly likely, that PubMedâs human-search interface is down and that its programmatic interface is up but federated searches are failing due to some totally unrelated problem. If both paths to the source are down itâs likely to be a common problem.
Letâs consider a third scenario: searches from pubmed.gov return results but searches from the federated search application donât. Where does the problem lie? We donât know without further investigation. It could be that the programmatic interface is broken. It could be that the programmatic interface changed and that the federated search vendor needs to modify or rewrite the connector. Users or librarians are not going to easily be able to diagnose the problem in this scenario. One would need to know how the federated search application connector was configured to search PubMed and be able to reproduce its access method; reproducing the method requires esoteric skills and access to the code in the connector; most users will possess neither of these.
The upshot is this: given the existence of multiple methods of accessing sources, with some methods being complex, itâs harder than ever to diagnose and debug the source (pun intended) of source problems. However, programmatic interfaces change less often than do web-based interfaces so their presence is welcome by federated search vendors. Also, as federated search applications search larger numbers of sources it gets more difficult all the time to tell if one particular source is down, unless you happen to be looking for results from that particular source.
Another question, which Iâll address in a future article, is “What are your expectations of federated search vendor response to source problems?” Should vendors monitor sources 24 hours a day? How and how quickly should they inform you of a source problem? Should they inform you via the federated search applicationâs search page that a particular source is down? How quickly should they correct a connector problem?
What are your thoughts and experiences regarding the above questions?
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Tags: federated search, pubmed
3 Responses so far to "Diagnosing federated search source problems: itâs harder than you think"
June 23rd, 2008 at 7:24 am
Federated search is one example of loosely coupeled services. You should never expect anything from a service you use unless you checked it yourself. Use test cases, for instance a search that returns a know result, ping the server etc. and regularly run the tests.
June 23rd, 2008 at 12:59 pm
1 - There is no clear unified federated search user community platform that content owners like Pubmed can communicate with, unless they contact all known federated search tool vendors (and then they do not reach customers with home grown tools)
2 - Federated search tool vendors do not have often do not have access to all sources, so they canât monitor all sources continuously
3 - Information by vendors through the federated search applicationâs search page works only for hosted customers, not for local installations
4 - The only way of continuous monitoring that really works is an active and cooperative user/customer community; per federated search tool.
June 25th, 2008 at 12:06 am
I do feel this is the price we have to pay for letting the argument “Z3950 and SRU/SRW are too hard, here, let me provide you with an alternate programatic interface” win instead of making it ever easier to implement the standards the search community has agreed on.
Those well defined standards take effort to implement, but they arenât *hard*. They take effort to implement because they define mechanisims for explicity dealing with a whole range of error conditions and edge cases like this. When a vendor comes up with a quick and dirty way to search source ‘Xâ itâs seen as fair competitive advantage, and the pressure on source ‘Xâ to implement a real standard is reduced. Itâs really a loose-loose situation for the information network.
I think a related interesting question is what common metaphor should be used for communicating this kind of diagnostic information back to the user. Itâs horribly difficult to strike a balance between the google search page people first say they want, and the interface that exposes just enough information about the federation process without getting in the way of the search task itself.