

Author: Sol


Content access basics - Part I - screen scraping
Content access basics - Part II - XML
Content access basics - Part III - OpenSearch
Content access basics - Part IV - SRU/SRW/Z39.50
Crawling vs. deep web searching
Diagnosing federated search source problems: it’s harder than you think
Federated search by any other name …
Federated search primer at AltSearchEngines
Federated search roadmap: Part I - Stating the business case
Federated search roadmap: Part II - Identifying benefits
Federated search video hits YouTube
Federated search: roadmap to a solution
Federated search: the challenges of incremental results
Glossary of search industry terms
How fast is federated search?
Introduction to the deep web
On selecting a federated search vendor - starting the conversation
Proxy servers and federated search
The interplay between AJAX and federated search
What determines quality of search results?
What is a connector?
What is clustering?
faceted federated search


Carnival of the Infosciences #87 includes one of our posts


Blog Day 2008: 5 interesting blogs
Call for “best of”
Federated search blog turns 7 (months)
Federated search community
Join the LinkedIn federated search discussion group
New blog for federated search press releases
On panel and tweets
Resources update
The best of Federated Search Blog


Christopher Cox book: review copies available
Eight things I like about Jill Hurst-Wahl’s new federated search report
Federated search book soon to be released
Review: Programming Collective Intelligence
Search experience survey for federated search book


Beyond Federated Search ### Winning the Battle and Losing the War?
Searching for answers about metasearch in 2009
We don###t really need metasearch#?
We librarians need to remember what our value is in providing metasearching#?.


“Computers in Libraries” of particular interest to federated search community
A call to federated search conference attendees
ALA Midwinter Meeting fast approaching
ALA conference approaching
Boston Search Engine Meeting: Presentations
Federated Search at the Intel Library
Federated Search: True Enterprise Search
Federated search in the post-monolithic library era
Federated search presentations from 11/06 NISO conference
Federated search vendors at ALA Midwinter Meeting
Federated search web conference in January
Federated search: A wonder or a waste?
Free admission to May Enterprise Search Summit keynotes and showcase
Free exhibitors passes for “Computers in Libraries” conference
Journey to 10,000 sources at SLA 2009
Not all Federated Search Engines are Created Equal
Review: EI federated search web conference
Roy Tennant’s slides: The Future of Catalogs
SLA 2008 fast approaching: Where are the federated search vendors?
Taking the library back from Google
Zillman on Deep Web Research on BlogTalkRadio


Announcing federated search writing contest winners
Exciting changes to “Predict the future of federated search” writing contest
Federated search writing contest judging underway
Federated search writing contest submissions due Friday
Federated search writing contest: sweetening the pot
It’s a contest! Predict the future of federated search
Lee LeBlanc on the future of federated search
Noted industry experts to judge federated search writing contest
Steven Bell on the future of federated search
The future of federated search: ideas for the writing contest


Federated search book covers a wide range of topics
Review: Build it (and Customize and Market It) and They Will Come
Review: Challenges for Federated Searching
Review: Developing the right RFP for selecting your federated search product
Review: Initiating the Learning Process - A Model for Federated Searching and Information Literacy
Review: Librarian Perspectives on Teaching Metasearch and Federated Search Technologies
Review: Planning and Implementing a Federated Searching System
Review: SRU, Open Data and the Future of Metasearch
Review: User Perceptions of MetaLib Combined Search: An Investigation of How Users Make Sense of Federated Searching


Answers to deep web and federated search trivia questions
Bigger than a breadbox but smaller than a blog article
Deep web and federated search trivia quiz
Drink to your federated search
Foreign federated fun
Google to stop crawling the web: will federate it instead
Google to stop indexing pages with forms
Google wasn’t always so fast!
Internet trivia questions
Is your federated search vendor boring you?
Needles, haystacks, history, relevance, and a bit of fun
So much government information, so little time
The future of federated searching?
Three cheers for federated search
Where did all my subscribers go?


ALA continuing electronic discussion forum
Carl Grant returns to Ex Libris
CiL Conference roundup
Consolidation in federated search: ProQuest acquires WebFeat
Dogpile comes out at the top of the pile
Federated Search: The year in review
Federated search and information in context
Federated search news articles on LinkedIn
For three world class universities, one size does not fit all
Google experiments with crawling the deep web: sky isn’t falling
Hitachi storage services incorporate federated search
More on the ProQuest acquisition of WebFeat
New open source federated search middleware released
Noteworthy news
OpenTranslators announcement raises questions
Response to OpenTranslators post
Rollyo: Roll your own search engine
Science.gov turns five


Erik Selberg: Federated search luminary (Part I)
Erik Selberg: Federated search luminary (Part II)
Erik Selberg: Federated search luminary (Part III)
Introducing Erik Selberg: federated search luminary #4
Kate Noerr: Federated search luminary
Luminary interview with Michael Bergman: a preview
Luminary interview with Todd Miller: a preview
Michael Bergman: Federated search luminary (Part I)
Michael Bergman: Federated search luminary (Part II)
Michael Bergman: Federated search luminary (Part III)
Michael Bergman: Federated search luminary (Part IV)
Todd Miller: Federated search luminary (Part I)
Todd Miller: Federated search luminary (Part II)
Todd Miller: Federated search luminary (Part III)
Todd Miller: Federated search luminary (Part IV)


Addict-o-matic: a most pleasing metasearch engine


A recent Outsell report about the future of federated search
Review: One Box to Search Them All (part I)
Review: One Box to Search Them All (part II)
There’s opportunity to sell federated search to 4-year and community colleges
Undergraduates and federated search at Brigham Young


100 deep web resources
100 questions to ask federated search vendors
21 outstanding federated search presentations
99 deep web resources
CIL federated search white papers of vendor offerings
Discovery layers: The next generation of federated search
Jill Hurst-Wahl on federated search resources
Library Journal focuses on federated search
Review: Going Beyond Google
University of Wisconsin aims to assess usefulness of MetaLib
Which librarian blogs cover federated search the most?
White paper on why quality of search results matters


Divide and conquer: federating many sources
Divide and conquer: response to comments
Federated search for your mobile phone
Federated search in the enterprise
Followup on Matt’s deep web crawler journey
More on AJAX and federated search
Search or authenticate first?
What is an API?


98 tweets in 47 days
A new paradigm for federated search
Alpha vs. the Google generation
Browser search plugins for federated search
Carl Grant’s blog moves to Ex Libris
Computers in Libraries 2009 rapidly approaching
Dear Janice (and a couple of teasers)
Federated Search: R.I.P.
Federated search UI woes
I’m away from my desk right now …
Internet humor, courtesy of The Onion
One-stop access to multiple federated search applications
Yahoo! Alpha and federated search


Federated search video: experiences with 3 deployments
OSTI videos dive into the deep web


“Query-free” federated search
2collab: A next step for federated search?
A call to vendors and readers
A year of blogging about federated search at FUMSI
Abe Lederman featured in “Search Wizards Speak”
Abe Lederman to be interviewed for major health 2.0 podcast
Alex Wright on the deep web in the New York Times
Authors respond to “One Box to Search Them All” review (part I)
Authors respond to #?One Box to Search Them All#? review (part II)
Authors respond to #?One Box to Search Them All#? review (part III)
Beyond federated search? The conversation continues
Beyond federated search?
Biznar alerts: better than the leading brand?
Biznar alerts: followup
Biznar: A great review
Building a customized federated search engine for health sciences
CILIP reports on recent developments in federated search
Carmichael’s federated search journey
Collaborative federated search?
Comments on comments: part 1
DOE OSTI blog expands to cover technology
DOE documents available for adoption
Daniel Tunkelang on the problem with federated search
Do-it-yourself federated search in 2-3 weeks?
Does your delivery deliver?
Enterprise search and web 2.0
Enterprise search train wrecks: lessons for federated search vendors
Fantasizing about federated search
Federated Search: Does it Mitigate or Exacerbate Information Overload?
Federated search advice to content owners
Federated search and the deep web
Federated search at University of Wyoming
Federated search for kids?
Federated search in 2008: The year in review
Federated search is part of collection development
Federated search possibilities and limitations: Viewpoint at Pegasus Librarian
Federated search: 10 unrealistic expectations
Federated search: yes I knew
Followup on Carmichael’s federated search journey
Forbes on why Google isn’t enough
Free federated search: membership has its benefits
From content to content services
Google can’t be everywhere
Google or federated search: it’s not either/or
Googling for federated search
Growing up with federated search
Has it been a year already?
Index Data responds to request for vendor engagement
Interesting blog post re federated search in libraries
Is federated search “ranking impaired?”
Is federated search as bad as librarians think?
Jill Hurst-Wahl on federated search pros and cons
Journey to building a deep web crawler
KMWorld on the evolving federation of search
Lorcan Dempsey on “the two ways of Web 2.0″
Lorcan and Lorcan
Measuring return on search investment
MuseGlobal president interviewed by Knowledgespeak
MuseGlobal starts a blog
MuseGlobal/Adhere partnership: a few thoughts of “relevance”
OAIster finds deep web pearls
On credibility of search results
On the history of the deep web
Remember technicopia?
Reports from CiL 2008 conference?
Response to reader looking for low-cost federated search solution
Response to recent blog comments
Review: Faceted Search
Review: Federated Search - One Simple Query or Simply Wishful Thinking
Review: The Invisible Web
Rich Turner shares contest experience
Science portals: It’s about diversity and hope
Sol’s “to do” list (plus a couple of off-topic items)
Stephen Abram on two 2008 tipping points
Steven Bell on the library web site of the future
Ten year old says the search problem is 90% solved
The “lowest common denominator” myth
The Krafty Librarian rethinks universal searching
The problem with RFPs: Part II
The problem with RFPs: Part I
The role of federated search in providing accurate information
The trouble with general search engines
Top alternative search engines includes federated search
Tweeting about federated search
Two weeks to a new federated search tool?
Update on Google and the deep web
What do YOU think were the most significant events of the year?
What do you call that thing?
What do you call this other thing?
Why is Google interested in the deep web?
Will the real federated search engine please stand up?
You can’t find it if it’s not findable