
98 tweets in 47 days

Author: Sol

Nearly seven weeks ago I began my twitter experiment. I realized that I run into more federated search content on the Web than I have time to write about. It occurred to me that I could tweet all this good stuff. In this way I’d have an online record of these interesting URLs. At the same time, you’d all have articles to read if you felt inspired. I’m enjoying the tweeting so I’ll continue it.

I’ve tweeted nearly two web pages a day on average during the past 47 days. So, what have I tweeted? Here’s a sampling:

  1. An hour and 19 minute educational video about federated search from the Federal Library & Information Center Committee.
  2. A couple of interesting articles about Yahoo!’s move to “Kill the 10 blue links.” This one and this one. The move is part of a large evolution away from linear search results to results that are more interactive and discovery-oriented.
  3. Google providing limited support of RDFa to identify structured data on the Web.
  4. A nice introduction to the Invisible Web, including a bibliography of noteworthy sources.
  5. Stephen Arnold on why Wolfram Alpha is no threat to Google, in case any of you had any doubt.
  6. A content mining approach to building a better query.
  7. Federated or broadcast search, or what do we call this stuff? — from the Distant Librarian.
  8. Beyond federated search redux. More on the Summon discussion.

If you discover interesting articles, please tweet them to fedsearchblog and I’ll retweet them. And, if you like what I tweet, follow me on twitter.

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 at 7:35 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or TrackBack URI from your own site.

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