
In November I’ll be moderating a panel for the Enterprise Search Summit in San Jose, Ca. The topic - Federated Search: A Wonder or a Waste? The heavy lifting (answering of hard questions) will be handled by our expert panelists: Peter Noerr (CTO of MuseGlobal), Carl Grant (President of Ex Libris, North America), and Christopher Cox (Dean of Libraries at Western Washington University.

Here’s the abstract of our panel:

Opinions about the value of federated search vary widely. Some view it as the optimal way to discover unified content. Others believe it to be a slow and poor substitute for searching the underlying sources. Some see it as a necessary evil and learn to tolerate it within their organizations. Come listen to our three panelists discuss their experience with numerous federated search deployments. Learn about the benefits federated search can offer as well as its shortcomings and common pitfalls. Walk away knowing if federated search is right for your organization and how to get from a blank search screen to one that delivers the results your users need.

Carl, Peter, Christopher and I had a phone meeting the other day to plan for the panel. While we will solicit questions from the audience and otherwise engage them as much as possible, we also want to have some questions prepared to get the ball rolling. My question to readers of this blog: What are the hot topics in federated search and what questions do you have about them? We’ll be paying particular attention to federated search in the enterprise at the conference but, regardless of where you use federated search, if you were in the audience, what would you ask the panel?

Here are a few of the questions we came up with. (No, I don’t want to give away all of them.)

  1. Is federated search a dying technology?
  2. Can federated search and discovery services play nicely together? How would that look?
  3. Federated searching in the cloud: what are the pros and cons?
  4. Is there any hope that connectors will become easier to build and maintain?

What are your hot questions?

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